Create Applications[교원웰스] (경력) B2B영업
Personal Information
Basic InformationREQUIRED
Profile ImageREQUIRED
profile image

JPG, JPEG, PNG / 300×400px

Birth of dateREQUIRED
Submit notice
- 졸업 연월을 정확하게 기재 바랍니다. - 졸업 예정의 경우 예정 연월을 기입하고, 졸업 예정을 선택 바랍니다. (지원서류 첨부란에 졸업예정을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 첨부 바랍니다.)
Experience LevelREQUIRED
Submit notice
- 정규직, 계약직 경력사항만 기재 바라며, 재직 중 정규직 전환된 경우 분할하여 기재 바랍니다. - 기재한 경력사항은 모두 면접전형에서 증빙이 필요합니다.
Language Certificate
Military Service Status
Disability Status
Veteran Status
Please upload your file
* 추가 제출을 희망하시는 이력서가 있는 경우 PDF 형식으로 올려주세요.
Please upload your file
* 포트폴리오 첨부 필수로 기재된 직무는 자료를 첨부바랍니다.
Please upload your file
* 졸업 예정자의 경우 졸업 예정을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 제출 바랍니다.
Additional Questions
실제 거주지 기입 바랍니다.
0 / 1,000
희망연봉 / 직전연봉REQUIRED
※ 직전연봉: 기본연봉 + 고정적으로 지급 받는 급여(경영성과급, 복리후생성 항목 제외)를 기재 바랍니다. 예) 3,800만 / 3,200만
0 / 1,000
1. 채용공고 상의 직무 상세 내용을 읽고, 관련 있는 업무 수행 경험 중 큰 성과를 냈던 업무(프로젝트) 경험을 상세히 1,2번에 나눠 기술해 주세요. ( 해결방법/구체적인 성과 등을 중점으로 기술 바랍니다.)REQUIRED
- 1, 2번 문항 모두 기재 바랍니다. - 문항에서 제시한 문제해결, 성과 달성 등의 내용을 구체적으로 기재바랍니다.
0 / 1,000
2. 채용공고 상의 직무 상세 내용을 읽고, 관련 있는 업무 수행 경험 중 큰 성과를 냈던 업무(프로젝트) 경험을 상세히 1,2번에 나눠 기술해 주세요. ( 해결방법/구체적인 성과 등을 중점으로 기술 바랍니다.)REQUIRED
- 1, 2번 문항 모두 기재 바랍니다. - 문항에서 제시한 문제해결, 성과 달성 등의 내용을 구체적으로 기재바랍니다.
0 / 1,000
처우협의/채용검진(최종면접 합격 후 약 1주일 소요) 후 입사 가능한 일자를 선택 바랍니다.
Please confirm the following terms and conditions.
교원그룹 (hereafter, "the Company") will collect your personal information required for the employment process using "Greeting" as follows:
1. Items of required personal information to be collected
Your name in Korean and English, telephone number, e-mail address
2. Purpose of the processing of personal information
Transfer of recruitment information and other notices, contact regarding employment and use of the website, judgment of suitability for employment, evidence for document review or interview, and utilization for human resources DB, etc.
3. Duration of the preservation of the information
Within three years after the application. But if information provider requests, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.
※ The Company only collects the information you inputted and submitted. Due to the nature of the recruitment service, delicate information may be collected, so be mindful when filling in/submitting the information. ※ You have the right to refuse the selection and use of your personal information. However, in this case, the service may be limited, because it can affect the transfer of applicant information to the applied company.
교원그룹 (hereafter, "the Company") will collect your personal information required for the employment process using "Greeting" as follows:
1. Items of optional personal information to be collected
Date of birth, Address, CV, résumé, educational records, photo, video, qualification, experience, gender, location, protected verteran status, disability, portfolio, Curriculum Vitae, field of application, desired annual salary, previous salary, recommender, route of application, and other atypical information inputted or attached by the applicant that may be personally identifiable. (If the consent of each item is inconsistent with the relevant content, the data cannot be processed, so it is deemed that you have agreed to collect and use selective personal information for the matters you have written yourself. If you don't agree to collect and use it, please delete it)
2. Purpose of the processing of personal information
Transfer of recruitment information and other notices, contact regarding employment and use of the website, judgment of suitability for employment, evidence for document review or interview, and utilization for human resources DB, etc.
3. Duration of the preservation of the information
Within three years after the application. But if information provider requests, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.
※ The Company only collects the information you inputted and submitted. Due to the nature of the recruitment service, delicate information may be collected, so be mindful when filling in/submitting the information. ※ You have the right to refuse the selection and use of your personal information. However, in this case, the service may be limited, because it can affect the transfer of applicant information to the applied company.
The Company needs agreement 「Personal Information Protection Act」 Article 23 and the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation Act for the Disabled
1. Items of personal information to be collected
• [Required]
Disability Status, Veteran Status
2. Purpose of the processing of sensitive informationevidence for document review or interview, and utilization for human resources DB, etc.
3. Duration of the preservation of the informationWithin three years after the application. But if information provider requests, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.
※ The Company only collects the information you inputted and submitted. Due to the nature of the recruitment service, delicate information may be collected, so be mindful when filling in/submitting the information.※ You have the right to refuse the selection and use of your personal information. However, in this case, the service may be limited, because it can affect the transfer of applicant information to the applied company.
If there’s problems during submission, please contact us here!You will be connected to ATS Solution Greeting customer center.